Apologies for keeping you waiting since October to taste the 2020 harvest, but we’ve got our NEW 2020 harvest of Piment d’Ville packed up and primed for your spice drawer!

2020 Is Ready To Go!

Grab the Piment d’Ville Collection box and try out the 2020 Classic, Spicy, and Smoky Piment d’Ville! We make these 3 chile powders using the same single chile pepper but manage to develop 3 different flavor profiles across the season.

The 2020 Piment d'Ville!

  • The first chiles off the plants tend to be the spiciest. These chiles are harvested and head straight to the dehydrator to become the Spicy Piment d’Ville.
  • The Classic Piment d’Ville is made up of chiles harvested throughout the middle of the season (throughout the month of October). It’s mild and flavorful. This year’s tastes really tomato-y and I love it.
  • The Smoky Piment d’Ville comes from the late season chiles which tend to ripen in November assuming that we haven’t had a hard frost by then.

Our chile powders are pretty special in that they are 100% CA grown Espelette pepper (no added salts, oil, fillers or dyes!) and that we can make these three distinctly different spices from a single chile. Want more than a jar? We’ve got all 3 varieties of Piment d’Ville from the 2020 harvest available in bulk packs too!

In The News

giving broadly


sunset magazine pantry awards

In November Krissy was featured on Dana Cowin’s Giving Broadly site, a go-to guide for women-owned food brands, and Piment d’Ville just won a Sunset Magazine 2021 Pantry Award! We’re so pumped to be among such incredible brands on both lists. Check out both sites if you are looking for some fun new things to bring new flavor into the kitchen.

In a Food and Wine article about the project, Dana Cowin shared,

"What they have in common is that they’re often representing a point of view that isn’t being heard,” she said. “These businesses are labors of love and passion.”

We couldn't have said it better!

Special Sausages for Valentine's Day!

duck sausage

We teamed up with the Liberty Ducks team to put together some really special sausages inspired by our Piment-O Cheese recipe. The sausages are filled with Liberty Duck meat, Smoky Piment d’Ville, Vella Smoked Cheddar, garlic and scallions. Get these limited edition sausages delivered for Valentine’s Day. Shipping varies so check out their guidelines before you order (Shipping all days to the Bay Area and Monday-Wednesday to locations nationwide)Thanks for being part of our community, 

What We're Cooking

Honestly, anything that doesn't create too many dishes these days. We rescued a puppy from the shelter a week ago and Rueben's been a welcome distraction.

However, if you’re looking for a fun way to taste across the new 2020 harvest of Piment d’Ville, we recommend a roasted potato flight! This idea was sent to us from Sarah Fudge.

  • Par boil the potatoes in a pot of salt water and cut into small cubes.
  • Toss all the potatoes on a baking sheet with olive oil and salt.
  • Season ⅓ of the potatoes with Classic Pd’V, ⅓ with Smoky Pd’V, and ⅓ with Spicy Pd’V.
  • Key step! Remember which part of the tray belongs to which Piment!
  • Roast in the oven until crispy and have a taste test! See which one you like the best and what flavors stick out to you.
  • Optional: Serve with Chile Cream Sauce on the side